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Men’s Meditation Group

    Class Info

    Our intention is to create a safe and supportive environment in which men can learn and deepen their mindfulness practice. While there is nothing intrinsically male about the practice of mindfulness, we specifically direct many of our efforts toward men for several reasons. Most notably, we strongly believe that mindfulness is a powerfully transformative practice that leads us towards true authenticity, joy and effective engagement in the world. Yet, typically, the overwhelming majority of those attending events such as Mindfulness Retreats are women. Men are almost always under-represented and can be reluctant to try Mindfulness and to engage in ongoing practice.

    In this group, we invite you to deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation following a supportive and lively discussion of how we relate to the world as men.

    We welcome all people who identify as male, non-binary, gender-fluid, and/or transgender who identify with the experiences of men.

    There are no upcoming sessions scheduled. Try out one of our online programs in the mean time.