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Qi Gong

    Class Info

    Qigong is a training based on the theories of the Holism of Life. It is a training that requires the participant to consciously use the mind intent to focus inward to transform, to improve, and to enhance life functions. Mental, posture, and breathing adjustments are the extensions of the inward training. It is a training that enables the participants to transform natural instinctive activities into conscious activities. ~Dr. Pang Ming

    Becoming an expert at working with our own internal energy gives us the resources to have choices in the kind of day and life that we want to have.

    People watching qigong see only slow, graceful movement or simple stretches. People often ask, “How can that get you in shape or train you to be a better martial artist?” But, like an iceberg, there is a lot more to qigong than meets the eye. Qi Gong is simple: It requires no equipment and little space and can be practiced in a short amount of time.

    There are no upcoming retreats scheduled. Try out one of our online or in person programs in the mean time.