Bienvenido a Mindful Harlem.
Celebrado en línea
Todos los Miércoles |6 PM Eastern | 8 PM Argentina
One 2 One
Personalize your practice with One 2 One mindfulness sessions with our teachers.
Being Offered Online
By Request
Yoga & Meditation Retreat
Explore nature, body movement, silence, and community.
Not currently being offered.
Drop In & Sit.
We sit, we walk, we practice together.
Held On Site
Every Saturday | 9 AM Eastern
Dharma Talks
Diverse perspectives and rich teachings from teachers of different backgrounds.
Held On Site
First Wednesday Monthly | 7 PM Eastern
Sound Bath & Meditation.
Lie down and immerse yourself in the sonic landscape of gongs, singing bowls and other overtone emitting instruments.
Held On Site
Third Wednesday Monthly | 7 PM Eastern