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Dharma Talks

    Class Info


    This series brings teachers from different backgrounds to share diverse perspectives and rich teachings within this tradition. Those interested in gaining a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of the philosophy of the practice are encouraged to attend.


    Angela Dews

    Dharma Instructor

    Angela Dews found the dharma in 1996, at Vallecitos Mountain Ranch in New Mexico, and began dedicated practice at Deer Park In California with Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh. She is a graduate of the fourth Community Dharma Leaders Program at Spirit Rock and her primary teachers are Gina Sharpe and Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia. Angela co-leads the NYI Harlem Insight Sangha.

    “I walk for my ancestors.” ~Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh. Because the ancestors seldom walked slowly and empty-handed and sometimes had to run.

    Class Schedule

    First Wednesday of every month
    7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Eastern

    Suggested Donation

    $10 | $15 | $30
    Suggested donation, no one will be turned away.