Extended 8 week Mindful Harlem Course open to all. No meditation experience necessary.
Have you been experiencing more stress than you would like lately?
Do you want to learn ways to unhook from negative thoughts and emotions?
Do you want to cultivate more ease and joy in your life?
Do you want to feel more present, feel more alive and authentic in your life?
Do you want to learn how to train your mind to unlock the power and potential within you?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then MSBR is for you. These are among the reasons people report when choosing to enroll in an MBSR class.
MBSR, one of the most widely used, research-based mindfulness training programs, has been reported to produce positive effects on psychological well-being, learning and memory processes, emotional regulation, self-referential processing, and perspective-taking. It has helped thousands of people decrease physical and emotional suffering and increase well-being. You can read more about the benefits of MBSR here or here.
No matter the cause or nature of your suffering you already have what you need to relieve it and live life from a compassionate, loving awareness!
This highly participatory, practical course includes:
Guided instruction in mindfulness meditation practices
Gentle stretching and mindful yoga
Inquiry exercises to enhance awareness in everyday life
Individually tailored instruction
Group dialogue
Daily home assignments
Guided audio files for home practice and a workbook
Full day silent retreat
Rediscover yourself!
Class Schedule
The course schedule consists of orientation followed by 8 weekly classes which include one all-day session.
Sliding Donation Scale
$450 | $550 | $650
Contact Dan Vazquez with questions or more information at dan@unboundtoday.com
There are no upcoming retreats scheduled. Try out one of our online or in person programs in the mean time.